TZero Space Opportunity Tracker℠ Help Resources

Registration Process

To access the TZero Space Opportunity Tracker℠, you must first set up a TZero membership account.

Follow these steps to register for your account:

  1. Go to the Space Tracker website.
  2. Press the "Register Account" button.
  3. Create an account by filling out your account login information.
    You can change your username, email, etc. later from your Manage My Account page.
  4. Choose a membership level.
    If you are a BD retainer client, please wait up to 2 days for us to manually approve your membership access.
  5. Name your organization's license group and add a description.
    Only one administrator from your organization will need to register for an account and setup the license group. Once registered, the admin can send invitation emails to other members of your organization. The other members will then be able to create their own account as a member of your admin's license group via a link in their invitation email. The admin can edit the license group and its member's accounts through their Manage My Account page.
  6. Pay for your membership using a valid credit/debit card if you selected a "Subscription" membership level.
    Subscriptions will not charge the provided card until after the 30-day free trial expires. You will then be billed automatically at the chosen subscription rate (monthly or yearly). You can cancel or change your subscription at any time by visiting your Manage My Account page.
  7. Complete the math problem for security purposes.
  8. Press the "Register" button.
    You should receive a membership confirmation email once your account has been successfully registered in our system.

Space Tracker Tour

You can access the TZero Space Opportunity Tracker℠, or Space Tracker, by pressing the "Access Tracker" button on the Space Tracker website. You will need to log in with a valid TZero membership account to access the Space Tracker. If you have not created an account, please register for one (see Registration Process section for details).

Most titles, icons, and buttons within the Space Tracker have descriptive labels that will appear if you hover over the item. If you need a more comprehensive tour of the Space Tracker's features, continue reading.

When you open the Space Tracker, you will be greeted with a page that looks similar to this. Use the following numbered labels to learn more about the Space Tracker's features:

  1. Login Information
    You can log out using the button the right.
  2. Message from TZero
    The most up to date message from the TZero team is displayed here.
  3. Tracked Counter
    This counter displays how many opportunities you are currently tracking. See the opportunity listing below to learn how to track opportunities. You can click on the blue text to clear the search bar and display your tracked opportunities.
  4. Document Actions
    Download PDF or XLSX versions of the Space Tracker database or leave feedback here.
  5. Search Bar
    This is where you can search and filter the displayed opportunities (see Search Bar section for details).
  6. Opportunity Listings
    Each opportunity in TZero's curated Space Tracker database has its own collapsible listing (see Opportunity Listings section for details).

Opportunity Listings

The Space Tracker database displays an expandable listing for each opportunity. Each listing includes the following features:

  1. New Opportunity Banner
    Opportunities that have been added to the database in the last two weeks will be marked with a "NEW" banner and show up at the top of the opportunity list already expanded. See the Search Bar section to learn how to mark new opportunities as seen and remove this banner.
  2. Opportunity Header
    The opportunity header displays the opportunity's title, TZero ID (TZID), and organization. The TZID is a short unique identifier TZero uses in messages and other communication to quickly identify an opportunity.
  1. Posted and Response Dates
    These dates allow you to quickly see when the opportunity was posted and when any responses (if applicable) are due. Note that the posted date can refer to when an updated opportunity announcement was reposted, not when it was originally posted. Also note that the response date might not be relevant, depending on the opportunity announcement type.
  2. Announcement Type Icon
    This icon indicates the opportunity's announcement type. You can determine what each icon represents by hovering over it or referring to the type filter within the advanced search options (see Search Bar section for an image of these type filter icons and what announcement type they represent). Note that the calendar icons, which refer to RFP or Sources Sought opportunities, are color coded according to the current number of days until the response date:

    • Green calendar:      30+ days left until response date
    • Yellow calendar:     1-30 days left until response date
    • Red calendar:          Response date is in the past, i.e. "Closed"
  3. Expand Arrow 
    Click this arrow to expand/contract the opportunity listing, showing/hiding additional opportunity details. You can also click on the opportunity header to expand/contract the opportunity listing.
  4. Additional Opportunity Details
    Expanded opportunity listings display additional details about the opportunity. These additional details include the opportunity's announcement number, type, office location, contact information, description, time until response date, response window, and action buttons. Clickable links to the opportunity's official website and any attachments are included at the end of the announcement number (links indicated by and symbols, respectively).
  5. Response Date Information
    The time until the response date and total response window, in days, are displayed here. This information is only displayed for opportunity types in which this information is relevant (RFP and Sources Sought opportunities).
  6. Opportunity Actions
    Clicking on each of the following icon buttons performs an action on the selected opportunity:

    • Track:            Adds/removes the selected opportunity from your account's list of tracked opportunities. These opportunities are automatically displayed first (within the new and not-new sorting priority) when you open or refresh the Space Tracker. A solid bell indicates you are currently tracking the selected opportunity.
    • Share:           Generates an email template that contains a link to the selected opportunity.
    • Ask TZero:   Generates an email template that you can send to TZero to inquire about the selected opportunity.
  7. Tracked Indicator
    A solid bell icon to the left of an opportunity header indicates you are currently tracking that opportunity. Clicking an opportunity's track action button will add/remove it from your list of tracked opportunities and add/remove this icon.